Share your story

Thank you for expressing interest in sharing your story with us. Everyone affected by ovarian cancer has their own experience, and by sharing your story it can offer comfort and insight to others about how ovarian cancer could affect them and their loved ones.

By choosing to share your story with Target Ovarian Cancer, we can raise much needed awareness of ovarian cancer, improve early diagnosis and support and fund vital research into newer, better and kinder treatment.

To begin, please fill in the form below. Once we receive your form, we will be in touch to talk through your story and how it may be shared, whether that be on the website, in funding applications, with the press or on social media. We’ll always ask for your approval before we share your story to make sure you’re happy with it.

We recognise that sharing your experience can bring back memories and feelings from that time, and we offer support through our nurse-led support line.

COM_22_Share Your Story
What is your relationship with ovarian cancer?
Please upload any photos that you would like to share alongside your story
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I am happy for Target Ovarian Cancer to use all or part of my story, photographs and videos, featuring myself and the persons listed above, for use in materials promoting the work of Target Ovarian Cancer in (tick all applicable):
At Target Ovarian Cancer, we keep your story and photos on record for three years in which we may issue your story and photos in a variety of ways, in line with the above. After three years, we will be in touch to see if you’d be happy for us to share your story for longer. At any point you are able to get in touch with us to request updates to your story, or withdraw consent. *

Keeping in touch

We'd like to keep you updated about our services and events, ovarian cancer news and opportunities to support us.

We'd like to post information to you. Please let us know if you don’t want us to do this.

Please tick the boxes below to indicate how else you'd prefer to hear from us.

If you already receive communications from us and wish to continue getting them, please select 'yes'.

Text message*

We will never sell your data and promise to keep it safe and secure. You can change your preferences at any time.

For further details on how your data is used and stored please see our privacy notice, or call us on 020 7923 5470.

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