Get together with loved ones at 11am any day in March (Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month) to raise vital funds and awareness. Sign up for your free fundraising pack!
How can we help today?

Our Ovarian Cancer Community
Join our online community and speak to others affected by ovarian cancer, access digital information and support events, and keep in touch with us, wherever you are in the UK.
Latest updates

Meet our new Chief Executive
We're delighted to welcome Catherine Hart as the new Chief Executive of Target Ovarian Cancer.

Stages of ovarian cancer
We know ovarian cancer and its stages can be difficult to understand. Our digital tool helps make it easier.

Personal stories
Read personal experiences of people affected by ovarian cancer, from coping with their diagnosis to sharing tips and recommendations.

Fundraise for us
Your help makes everything we do possible. 11 women die from ovarian cancer in the UK every day. Together we can raise awareness, fund research and save lives.