Talking will help - and it does help. Being a part of the Target Ovarian Cancer Community on Facebook has been a support, especially when I’ve felt a bit down. Reading someone else’s story has helped to know what to expect, in terms of things like chemo and recurrence. - Diane, Ovarian Cancer Community member
Having people around that you can speak to about your worries, the way ovarian cancer has affected you, or emotions that you or your loved ones are experiencing can be so valuable.
Some may prefer to reach out to friends and family to talk about these things, whereas for others, talking to professionals or in community support groups can feel more comfortable.
Those ‘strangers’ can soon become close friends and provide a real sense of support. Target Ovarian Cancer recognises the need for community and support for those impacted by ovarian cancer. Here are 5 ways to connect with others and find support.
1: Search for local support groups in your area
Local support groups are a great way to socialise and connect in person with others that share your experience.
You can feel reassured in knowing that others understand what you’re going through and may have the same questions or concerns that you have. This can help you to feel less isolated and could be the start of some meaningful connections.
Perhaps your GP or medical team know of some local services that you can contact. These may vary depending on where you live, but we have more some information on our website.

2: Join the Ovarian Cancer Community
There’s also the option to meet others online and this format can be a great way to connect with others, whenever you need to, no matter where you are in the UK.
We have an online community which is made up of two Facebook groups:
The Ovarian Cancer Community is a kind, supportive group for everyone affected by ovarian cancer, including friends and family. Here you'll find support every step of the way.
In Touch is a safe and supportive space only for those with an ovarian cancer diagnosis. This is a private community where you can talk honestly and openly about how you're feeling, and find comfort and understanding from others living with and beyond ovarian cancer.
You can get as involved as much or as little as you’d like to within the communities, whether you want to ask questions, respond and comment on others posts or watch recordings of past support events on the topics that matter most to you.
If someone you know has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, you may have lots of questions and want to know what you can do to support them. The Ovarian Cancer Community is open to friends and family, so you can find others who can support you.

3: Spread the word about the support available
Do you want to help others affected by ovarian cancer find the support available to them? You can download our Ovarian Cancer Community flyer here and share it with your friends, family and local community to help them connect, as well as raising awareness of the online community.
If your GP or medical team aren’t aware of our support, why not download our leaflet and share it with them?
We understand that many can go through treatment and never meet others diagnosed with ovarian cancer, or be aware of the support that’s available to them. It can be so important to find others going through the same experience.
Telling your friends, family or wider network about the Ovarian Cancer Community helps us to reach more people, ensure they get support, and can help to increase your own support network in the process!
Friends and family often need support too, so why not invite them to join the Ovarian Cancer Community?

4: Share your story
Many of the women, friends and family members that we support have mentioned the importance of connecting with others who understand and have a shared experience of ovarian cancer.
There are many ways to share your story, whether it’s raising awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms, empowering others to speak to their GP or medical team when something doesn’t feel quite right or sharing the journey of living with ovarian cancer.
Sharing your story allows others to learn more about ovarian cancer and they may relate to parts of your story. It could encourage someone to speak to their GP about symptoms, reach out to friends and family about how they’re feeling, or feel inspired to get involved in fundraising or campaigning for change.
You can watch our 2023 Empower Hour event, which covers the different ways you can get involved with our work. There are many ways to share your story, whether it’s on a larger scale through campaigning or media work, or by simply sharing your experiences.

5: Come along to one of our digital events
We have a programme of free wellbeing and information digital events which run throughout the year.
Our events are designed to bring together those affected by ovarian cancer to support one another, learn more about particular topics and hear from experts.
We also run regular events, such as our bi-weekly Tea and Chat sessions. If you’re looking for an informal, social session, why not come along?
These sessions are exclusively for those with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer and provide a safe space to meet and talk about whatever you’d like to. Watch our nurse adviser, Val, talk about what to expect at Tea and Chat.
To sign up for these sessions, you’ll need to join our ‘In Touch’ group on Facebook, exclusively for those with a diagnosis. If you aren’t already a member, please join.
If you’re looking for a way to relax, you can sign up for our weekly Yoga and Relaxation sessions, designed to boost your wellbeing and help you cope with stress and anxiety. The sessions are exclusively for those with a diagnosis, and you can sign up here.
If you’re looking for medical advice, you can contact our nurse-led support line, available Monday – Friday 9am-5pm. Call us on 020 7923 5475.
Find out more about our support line