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CA125 blood test

… out what a CA125 blood test is, how it's used in diagnosing or ruling out ovarian cancer and what the results may mean. If you have a question that isn't covered … (tummy) pain and needing to wee more often or urgently than usual are sometimes caused by ovarian cancer. If you have one or more of these symptoms frequently and …

Two women speaking, one with their hand on the others shoulder

Scanxiety: what is it and what can I do to help?

… On this page: What is scanxiety? How does scanxiety present? Why do I get scanxiety for ovarian cancer? What can I do to manage scanxiety? Where can I go for more support? What is … of stress.   During follow up appointments for ovarian cancer, scanxiety may be caused by:  Ultrasound , CT , X-ray or MRI scans. These are scans that create images …

Treatment options for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer

… On this page: Treatment for ovarian cancer Who will be looking after you? Surgery Chemotherapy Other drugs and clinical … with a big operation. Or it may be that having surgery to remove the cancer would cause too much damage to other organs in your body. In these cases your team may …

Bevacizumab side effects

… Bevacizumab (also sometimes called Avastin®) is a type of cancer treatment known as a monoclonal antibody . It targets a protein called … blood pressure Your treatment team should regularly check your blood pressure because bevacizumab can cause high blood pressure. This is also called hypertension . …

PARP inhibitors side effects

… PARP inhibitors are a targeted treatment for cancer. Usually, you start taking them eight to 12 weeks after finishing … work by stopping cancer cells from repairing DNA damage within themselves which causes the cancer cells to die. PARP inhibitors are tablets taken orally (by mouth) …

A person in a pink tshirt sitting on the sofa reading her laptop screen

Health information you can trust

… With so much health information online, we know that it can sometimes feel overwhelming and understand that it’s so important to trust what you read; which is why at Target Ovarian Cancer we’re committed to providing high quality, evidence-based information. We are …

A GP using his hands to talk through a Target Ovarian Cancer leaflet on his desk

A to Z of ovarian cancer

… We sometimes refer to it as stomach or tummy pain. More about the symptoms ovarian cancer Abdominal fluid aspiration This is the term that may be used for the drainage … opening). It's commonly called a colostomy if it involves the large intestine (colon), an ileostomy if it involves the small intestine (ileum) or a jejunostomy if …

Three women sitting together outside, one in a wheelchair

What is ovarian cancer?

…   What is cancer? Our bodies are made up of millions of cells. They constantly replace worn … (cancerous) or borderline (between malignant and benign). Benign tumours may cause symptoms. But in most cases they don't come back after surgical removal … (a large, thin, flexible sheet of transparent tissue that covers the organs inside your abdomen). They often form lumps on the surface of the bowels, the omentum (a …

A group of fundraisers at the Ovarian Cancer Walk|Run holding balloons and smiling at the camera.JPG

Why you should sign up for The Ovarian Cancer Walk|Run

… The Ovarian Cancer Walk|Run is fast approaching... Whether you’re walking, running or something in between, we can’t wait to see you at Queen … steps to change lives, and meet other people who feel strongly about the same cause.  It’s great motivation – if you want to get more active, this could be the …