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Coping with lymphoedema

… skin and lead to swelling. This fluid is called lymph fluid .  If you have ovarian cancer this fluid is most likely to collect in your lower tummy, pelvic area … found throughout the body and fluid passes through them. Lymphoedema can also be caused by cancer cells blocking a lymph node and stopping it from draining …

Susannah - a woman with ovarian cancer who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer

International Women's Day 2023: making informed decisions about your health

… the possibility that it was a gynaecological issue and finally, I was sent for a scan.” The scan appointment took weeks to come through but once it had been … which came back very high." On a rollercoaster “Doctors started using the word “cancer” and I was booked for surgery immediately. It was like riding a … will never happen, that their families will one day too soon be left without them. You know your body best We urge you to listen to your body, and when something isn’t …

Jennifer with short brown spiked hair wearing black glasses and a dark tshirt

Jennifer's story

… When someone tells you that you have cancer, how you process the information is a very individual and personal response. … cancer and involved the partial/full removal of several organs including pancreas, colon, spleen and gallbladder as well as the ovaries.  I was in surgery for around …


Alison and Colin’s story

… at his concerts. Alison passed away just six weeks after her diagnosis of ovarian cancer, I now know that awareness of the symptoms and GP education is the key to … uncommon, you can develop ovarian cancer after a hysterectomy. I now know this is because microscopic cancer cells may have started to grow in the abdomen (tummy) or …

A photo of Gemma smiling before her diagnosis

Gemma's story

… be sat here in a full sense of security that I was OK and past the worst of it. My cancer however would be advancing.  Womb cancer – the blessing in disguise  The … had three scans prior to this due to the womb cancer but it hadn’t been picked up because ovarian cancer is challenging to diagnose – especially in the early stages. It …

Find an event near you

… There are hundreds of events all across the UK – whatever you're looking for, we've got the event for you! When you join Team Target, you could be part of the next big breakthrough in ovarian cancer treatment, as you help to raise awareness, fund research and save lives. I …

Sarah and her auntie taking part in the Belfast Walk Run wearing Target Ovarian Cancer tshirts and pushing a toddler in a pram

Lesley and Sarah’s story

… At times I still think to myself, if we'd known more about ovarian cancer and mum had had access to treatment sooner, would she still be here today? My … aware of the disease. A couple of years after I lost my mum, I went to the GP because I was getting concerned about our family’s medical history. I just really …

A photo of Denise

Denise's story

… I found Target Ovarian Cancer when I was looking for hope and positivity. Hope was all I wanted to hear … as I found out there was a risk that I could have the BRCA gene, and especially because my mum had cervical cancer too. But I didn’t.  It wasn’t until October 2021, a …

Campaigning on ovarian cancer across the UK

… the UK. This means any decision-making on issues affecting those with ovarian cancer is the responsibility of the different legislative bodies of the UK. For … and Wales the Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament. Who do you need to influence?  Because healthcare is devolved, the elected representatives you're targeting may vary …