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Creation of a stoma

… Is a stoma permanent? How do I learn to cope with a stoma? Common questions Where can I find out more? This page provides a brief overview of the creation of a stoma as part of ovarian cancer surgery. For more detailed information about stomas, stoma care and how to … of the bowel your surgeon needs to use: A colostomy is formed from the large bowel (colon) and produces a more solid poo. An ileostomy is formed from the small bowel …

A selfie of Chris with short grey hair wearing a light blue tshirt and a necklace

Chris's story

to go to my GP a bit earlier. An annual CA-125 test   My mum had fallopian tube cancer, so I get a CA125 blood test every year. In March 2020, I went in for my test … with no real empathy. During our first conversation he claimed that ‘it’s obvious you have cancer’, not news that anyone should have to hear so abruptly.   …

Thank you for joining us for 'Diet and nutrition'

… Thank you for registering to join our online session. You'll receive an email with … to join. If you have any other questions please contact us at . If you'd like to hear about upcoming events, please keep an eye on …

Pauline, a woman who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer

Pauline's story

… I can remember the day I was told I had three to five years to live. It feels so good … didn't give up.   Amazing support  My daughter Tanya first mentioned Target Ovarian Cancer to me. I think the charity appealed to us in a more personal and intimate way … change – it's the perfect time to get involved with raising funds and awareness, because we have more of an impact together than any of us could on our own.  As well …

Coping with a diagnosis

… treatment Coping after treatment Finding support Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer can come as a big shock, even if you had symptoms. Here we look at ways of … would rather not talk or think about it. Some people find a diagnosis of cancer can cause low mood (depression). All these emotions are normal and understandable, …

Anne standing in the woods looking towards the camera smiling

Anne's Story

… supposed to do that?’ Fortunately, there was lots of help available. Target Ovarian Cancer’s online groups were particularly good and so supportive. It was wonderful to … but this persisted, and I also began to feel very tired. This seemed a bit odd because with the healthy change in lifestyle I had expected to be feeling better than …

Alison smiling sitting on the sofa holding a cup of tea

Alison's story

… My cancer journey began in June 2014, at the age of 52, after approximately eight … have were distinct bowel changes and a low sharp abdominal pain. I had a virtual colonoscopy to investigate this pain, and although the specialist initially … test was done at this time, which I know now would have made such a difference because early diagnosis is so vital with ovarian cancer. I also developed terrible …

Epithelial ovarian cancer

… Epithelial ovarian cancer tumours start from the cells that line or cover the ovaries and fallopian … cancer.  Someone with mucinous cancer cells in the ovary often needs other tests. Colonoscopy or gastroscopy (a small camera inserted into the back passage or into