Sign up to 'Ask the Experts: HRD and genetics'

Join us for our online Q&A session.

Join us for a session led by Dr Alexandra Murray, Clinical Geneticist at University Hospital of Wales. 


When: Thursday 17 November, 2pm–3pm

Where: online via Zoom

For: everyone affected by ovarian cancer, including family and friends


Learn more about this session and other online support events



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The Ovarian Cancer Community

The Ovarian Cancer Community is open to everyone affected by ovarian cancer, including anyone with a diagnosis and family and friends.

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In Touch

In Touch is a safe and understanding group, just for anyone living with and beyond ovarian cancer.

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Keeping in touch

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We're keen to help people share their stories and experiences, including recording informal videos and working with the media both during and after the event. Please let us know whether you would be happy to take part in this.

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