Topic: Awareness


Gill sitting and smiling towards the camera with her chin resting on her hand
Gill's Story

Gill lost her mother to ovarian cancer just months after her own diagnosis. She talks about her experience, coping with her loss, and why she credits her cat Humbug with saving her life…

Jeanette taking a selfie on the beach, smiling wearing sunglasses and a headscarf
Jeanette’s Story

Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Jeanette shares her story…

Alison and Colin’s story

Alison passed away just six weeks after her diagnosis of ovarian cancer, I now know that awareness of the symptoms and GP education is the key to early diagnosis and surviving this disease.

Picture of Katy
Katy's story

Katy knew very early on that something wasn’t quite right. Here she explains the importance of knowing your body.

Rachel - a woman with ovarian cancer who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer
Rachel's story

Rachel got the all-clear eight years ago and decided to share her story for our BBC Lifeline Appeal.