The Scientific Advisory Board is a group of expert researchers and clinicians from the UK and Europe. They oversee and advise on Target Ovarian Cancer's research programme.
The Board provides advice on:
- development of the research strategy and funding programme
- which project proposals should be invited to make a full application
- external reviewers for grant applications
- external peer reviewer and research champion comments on full grant applications
- make recommendations for research funding to our Board of Trustees
- annual review of funded projects.
The Scientific Advisory Board must comply with, and declare conflicts of interest in line with, our conflicts of interest policy.
Board members
Professor Richard Edmondson, Clinical Professor in Gynaecological Oncology, Manchester University.
Professor Maurizio D'Incalci, Laboratory of Cancer Pharmacology, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Professor Chris Lord, Deputy Head of Division and Leader of the Gene Function Team at The Institute of Cancer Research, London