Tea and Chat

Every other Tuesday, 2pm–3pm on Zoom
For anyone with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer
Led by one of our nurse advisors, Val

Every other Tuesday, 2pm–3pm on Zoom 

For anyone with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer

Led by one of our nurse advisors, Val 

An informal session owned by you, Tea and chat is a casual, social session over Zoom for a small group to meet over a cuppa, joined by one of our Nurse Advisers. We like to keep tea and chat fun, light and informal, giving you the opportunity to have a good chat together. Ir's a great way to connect with others who understand and make friends.

The sessions are not for medical advice or discussions, sometimes we don’t even mention ovarian cancer. You can join us a little late, just pop in during your lunch break or leave early if you need to. Whatever works best for you. If you don’t feel like chatting, you can always just listen along and escape with us for a while. 

Sign up below!

Unsure about joining? Hear from our nurse adviser, Val, about what to expect 


If you‘re interested in joining us for Tea and chat, please complete the form below. Once we’ve received it, we’ll send you some more details about the sessions and invite you to join our In Touch Facebook group, exclusively for those with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. 

Being part of In Touch also means you can stay connected with others who understand what you’re going through, share hints and tips, and be supported by a community that is here for you. Once you‘ve joined the group, we‘ll send you the Zoom link via email. 

Join us for Tea and Chat


Unfortunately, this session is only available to UK residents.

Join our growing online community

Access top ovarian cancer experts, experience our digital events together and find that special kind of support you get from other people affected by ovarian cancer.

To join Tea and Chat, we'll need you to join our In Touch Facebook group. Please choose the most relevant option:*

Keeping in touch

We'd like to keep you updated about our services and events, ovarian cancer news and opportunities to support us.

Please tick the boxes below to indicate how you'd prefer to hear from us.

If you already receive communications from us and wish to continue getting them, please select 'yes'.

Please tell us more about your connection to ovarian cancer*
We're keen to help people share their stories and experiences, including recording informal videos and working with the media both during and after the event. Please let us know whether you would be happy to take part in this.

We will never sell your data and promise to keep it safe and secure. You can change your preferences at any time.

For further details on how your data is used and stored please see our privacy notice, or call us on 020 7923 5470.

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