Ben Nevis

Ben Nevis Trek

An incredible challenge, taking you into the heart of the breath-taking Western Highlands to conquer the highest peak in Britain.


To reach the summit of Ben Nevis – 1,343m (4,409ft) above sea level – stamina and determination are a must. The beautiful views of the Western Highlands will be with you all the way and provide a fantastic backdrop to one of the most sought after challenges in the UK.

This UK weekend challenge is a special journey, full of fun and camaraderie. Return transport is provided from Glasgow enabling you just to enjoy the experience. 

For more information and the itinerary, please read the Ben Nevis Trek Brochure [PDF].

How to join Team Target

Minimum sponsorship option

Registration fee: £95
Minimum sponsorship: £700 (at least 80 per cent to be raised 12 weeks before departure date)

Self-funding option

Registration fee: £95
Balance: £350 (full balance be paid no later than 12 weeks before departure date)

Although there's no minimum sponsorship for the self-funding option, we'd love for you to raise as much as you can.


What you can expect from us 

  • A free Target Ovarian Cancer t-shirt.
  • Materials are available on request to help with your fundraising, including posters, leaflets, banners, balloons and collection tins.
  • A dedicated member of the Events Team to help with your queries.

We hope you'll join Team Target for this fantastic event. If you have any queries, please contact us at [email protected].