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Fundraising materials and resources

… you're looking for, call us on 020 7923 5474 or email us: . Guides Fundraising guide [PDF] Everything you need to know in one … our guides and fundraising tools to raise even more money for women with ovarian cancer. …

Read our legacy guide

… for in-depth information on how to leave a gift in your will to Target Ovarian Cancer. …

Adele and her daugher Zindzi - a woman with ovarian cancer who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer

Adele's story

… When Adele was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999, her doctor put it down to bad luck. She had no idea that a little over eight years later she'd be dealing with an ovarian cancer diagnosis and the knowledge that she had a genetic mutation that made both cancers more likely in the first place. Here Adele talks about genetic testing and …

Know your Os

… data-block="MultipleChoice"><h3>What are the main symptoms of ovarian cancer?</h3><ul><li>Persistent bloating (not … data-block="MultipleChoice"><h3>What are the risk factors of ovarian cancer?</h3><p><p>Choose as many answers as you …

Woman with ovarian cancer in a treatment room looking down as a nurse provides chemotherapy

Taking action on long waiting times

… In our latest report we’ve learned that women with ovarian cancer are waiting longer for treatment than those with other cancers – on average … It is imperative that we now work at pace to remove any and all barriers to excellent NHS care for everyone with ovarian cancer. Further inequalities  Our report … with ovarian cancer, no matter who they are and where they live, has access to excellent diagnosis and treatment. We’re doing this through the ovarian cancer audit …

Join our research champion network

… Our panel of Research Champions – made up of women and families affected by ovarian cancer – bring a ‘patient’ perspective to our research decisions. …

Janet, a woman who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer

Janet's story

… Janet's ovarian cancer diagnosis came as a shock – particularly as she'd had a full hysterectomy … defying expectations and why she's living proof that you can live well with ovarian cancer… When I chat to people they are surprised to hear that I have cancer. I don't know how a person with cancer is supposed to look, but it's not what …

A GP holding ovarian cancer symptoms leaflets

Your situation

… Whether you're newly diagnosed, your cancer has returned or is no longer responding to treatment, or you're supporting a …

A female ovarian cancer researcher using equipment in a lab

Research is back: our call for new projects

… Plummer is Chair of our Scientific Advisory Board and Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine at Newcastle University. Today she announces the return of our … gold-standard research programme…  I’m delighted to announce that Target Ovarian Cancer’s research is back.  After a year when funding for charity medical research … this new grants round, we’re proud to be playing a major role in getting UK ovarian cancer research back on track after it was severely affected in 2020. This week the …

Hazel, a woman who shared her story with Target Ovarian Cancer

Hazel's story

… a relief. Joy After the surgery, doctors confirmed my diagnosis: low-grade ovarian cancer . I was told chemo wouldn't be effective, but they recommended that I have … time I spoke to the celebrant, we were planning my wedding! Of course I know my cancer might come back . But then again, it might not. Having cancer has taught me that we often let silly things get in the way of life. We …