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Woman in kitchen cooking

Common questions about ovarian cancer and diet

… resources Speak to our specialist nurses When you've been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and you're going through treatment, it's important for you to be as … on how cancer grows or behaves. Cutting out sugar altogether isn't a good idea because our bodies need sugar (glucose) to work. If you don’t eat enough sugar then …

Dr Barber presenting a talk on ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer: Think abdominal cancer

… Ovarian cancer is often classified as a gynaecological cancer, but the main symptoms are abdominal. At Target Ovarian Cancer, we're urging clinicians to recognise … to recall women with possible ovarian cancer symptoms who have not had a CA125 blood test; and to safety net women who have persistent symptoms but whose CA125 …

Pauline, a woman with short blonde hair smiling to the camera wearing a pink shirt and white jacket

Pauline's story

… When Pauline was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2021, she desperately wanted to read stories that gave her hope. Just … I was given the devasting diagnosis – not only did I have ovarian cancer but, because it had spread outside of the abdomen into my chest, around my oesophagus and …

Liz Mitchell wearing a blue floral top smiling

Liz's story

… A little over two years on from her diagnosis, Liz took part in the Ovarian Cancer Walk|Run in London with her daughter, Sarah, and raised over £1,000. Liz … there has been zero contact with my own GP throughout this entire process.   If you’ve been affected by this story and would like to speak to a specialist nurse, …

Smear tests won't detect ovarian cancer

… means many women are at risk of assuming they are ‘protected’ from ovarian cancer when they get their smear test, and writing off symptoms of ovarian cancer … We need to combat the confusion around ovarian cancer and cervical screening, because while smear tests are a vital tool in public health, a similar option simply …

Georgia jumping over a ditch taking on the spartan challenge in her target ovarian cancer tshirt

Georgia’s annual fundraising challenge

… Nedra, Georgia’s mum, was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in December 2017 and sadly passed away two years later. Since 2018, Georgia … than I first expected, this challenge was one of my favourites to date, I think because of the creativity and that my dad was able to be involved in the planning. …

Thank you for fundraising for us

… We'll be in touch shortly with tips, advice and ideas to help with your plans. In the meantime, if you require any support you can contact our fundraising team on 020 7923 5474 or email . Our materials are available free of charge to our supporters …

Treatment for younger women with a diagnosis

… The initial treatment for ovarian cancer usually includes:   surgery (a procedure to remove as much of the affected … team and they'll change your prescription.   Losing your hair – chemotherapy can cause you to lose your hair. Hair loss can sometimes be reduced using a cold cap. …

Several people walking and one person in a wheelchair, wearing tutus and flower crowns

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

… What is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month? Every March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. It's our … to treat. And every day, 11 women die.  We won’t accept that – and we know that you won’t too. Not when survival rates in other countries are so much higher. And …

Thank you for signing up for our webinar

… Thank you for registering to join our online session. You will receive an email with … to join. If you have any other questions please contact us at . … We're so pleased you can take part in our online event. …