Mary's story
Mary initially was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and then received an ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2019. It was soon discovered that she had a rare gene variant that put her at an increased risk of cancer.
Mary initially was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and then received an ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2019. It was soon discovered that she had a rare gene variant that put her at an increased risk of cancer.
After a difficult diagnosis and a recurrence, Susannah shared her story for our BBC Lifeline Appeal.
Lesley talks about how positivity, energy and exercise helped her with her first diagnosis and will help her manage her recurrence.
Helen shares her difficult diagnosis, her recurrence and how it can help to speak to others who understand what you're going through.
Breast cancer followed by ovarian cancer was more than just bad luck.
Our online support has helped Mandy deal with her recurrent ovarian cancer.
Despite a difficult diagnosis, Diane has never given up hope.
Jo set a tangible goal to get through chemo and clinical trials.
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